1. What is Silver Hydrosol?

Silver Hydrosol (also known as colloidal silver) is the result of an electro-magnetic process that pulls microscopic particles from a larger piece of silver into a liquid, such as water. As tiny particles, the silver can more easily penetrate and travel throughout the body. Colloidal Silver works as a catalyst, disabling the enzyme that all one-celled bacteria, fungi and viruses use for their oxygen metabolism. In short, it suffocates the bad guys. Unlike with antibiotics, resistant strains have never been known to develop. In fact, antibiotics are only effective against perhaps a dozen forms of bacteria and fungi, but never viruses. Because no known disease-causing organism can live in the presence of even minute traces of the chemical element of metallic silver, Colloidal Silver is effective against more than 650 different disease-causing pathogens.

2. Why haven’t you heard of it?

It is speculated that the user friendly economics of Colloidal Silver may have something to do with its low profile in the media. Colloidal Silver can’t help but shine a spotlight on the expensive and deadly nature of our pharmaceutical industries. For example, the pharmaceutical cartel’s relentless promotion of dangerous vaccines for humans and animals through government programs have now been linked to everything from increasing crib deaths in infants to the increasingly common disease, feline leukemia, in house cats. Colloidal Silver, on the other hand, is a safe and reliable alternative to expensive pharmaceuticals. Using Colloidal Silver, along with Blood Electrification, could interrupt HMO profits; disrupt medical-pharmaceutical cartels; abort all biological warfare schemes; eliminate most drugs, medicines, debility, and early deaths; wipe out hospital and health care capital investments; minimize insurance machinations; dramatically abate sickness and suffering; plus imperil social security futures with bankruptcy; wreck sales of supplements, herbs, homeopathic and other health “remedies”, machines, and practitioner’s incomes. These are not politically correct.

3. Why haven’t doctors revealed this before?

Basically… A patient cured is a medical customer lost!

4. What does the term “Colloidal” mean?

The term “colloid” refers to a substance that consists of ultra-fine particles so small that they cannot be seen by the naked eye and they do not dissolve but remain in suspension dispersed in a continuous medium.

5. Are all colloidal silver products the same?

No… Not all types of colloidal silver on the market are ‘true’ colloids. Properly manufactured colloidal silver is a liquid solution consisting of a minuscule number (10 ppm) of submicroscopic particles of silver, held in suspension in pure water by a tiny electrical charge placed on each particle. Some manufactures use additives (such as protein) which may sounds like a good thing, but in actuality can cause the fine particles to clump together and thus change the effectiveness.

6. What is the difference in the color mean?

Properly made colloidal silver is clear or clear pale yellow. Our Colloidal Silver Water is properly made colloidal water that has been manufactured using ozenated water. This process will cause the product to remain clear.

 7. One final word….. Beware of products claiming to have really high numbers of (PPM) parts per million. I have been making this product for several years now and can tell you with full certainty that it is a real challenge just to get it up to 30 PPM, much less 500 or a 1000 PPM really????

Let me explain…..The first step in manufacture is to use pure distilled water. Now then, shine a pointer laser through a glass container of it and you will NOT see a light beam. However, even with a very small amount of silver lets say only 5 (PPM), then the laser beam will show up. If someone wanted to fudge the results all they would have to do is add ordinary tap water or salt! Then, “Wala” 500 or 600 PPM or even 1000 PPM could possibly produce those  “BOGUS”  kind of numbers.   Always do your own research and draw your own conclusions