Historical FYI……..

—Drug Companies Hate Natural Remedies—
A new era began in medicine with patented synthetic chemicals making the drug companies very wealthy. As pointed out in the recent best-selling book, Amazing Medicines The Drug Companies Don’t Want You To Discover, major drug companies won’t sell a medicine they can’t patent, and anything that occurs in nature can’t be patented. So, good-bye silver, and hello to a stream of chemical antibiotics. From the beginning, the supposedly wonderful penicillin had problems. Many people were allergic to it and suffered from shock, rashes, hives and some died. That’s why doctors still ask, ” Are you allergic to penicillin?” Since the 1940’s, chemists have created numerous penicillin type antibiotics. The first reason was to avoid the allergy problems, and the other was because each type only killed certain organisms. In other words, you can’t use the same antibiotic to kill a throat infection on someone who has a skin infection.

The Forgotten Antibiotic
In the meantime, technology has come to the rescue of the forgotten colloidal silver water. Instead of grinding up the silver into hard to use large particles like they did in the pre-war period, scientists found they could use electricity to break down the particles to as small as 1/10,000th of an inch much smaller than you can see with the naked eye. Also, the electricity gave the tiny particle identical electric charges, which causes them to repel each other. This means no more clumping, and a shelf life of up to five years. This new silver is called “Colloidal silver” Also named “Silver Hydrasol”which can now be taken orally or sprayed on a wound, burn or rash, and no shots are necessary. Also, the dosage costs dropped from $400 to as little as 25 cents each.

Tiny Bit Works Better Than A Lot
Scientists found that using a tiny bit of colloidal silver water worked better than the large amounts given in the early part of the century. Silver has been known for its health values since before the time of Julius Caesar. The Greeks lined water and wine urns with silver to kill bacteria. The Romans discovered that a poultice of silver helped heal burns, cuts and sores.

Doctors Advised Wealthy to Eat With Silver
Did you know that silverware became popular almost 1,900 years ago for health reasons? Physicians advised their wealthy patients to only eat with silver if they wanted to stay healthy. During the 14th century, about 25% of the people in Europe died from the bubonic plague, which swept through the continent. Wealthy people gave their children silver spoons to suck on to forestall the plague.

Healthiest To Be Born With Spoon In Their Mouth
As you probably realize now, that’s where the expression, “Born with a silver spoon in your mouth” comes from. Because so few of the wealthy died from the plague, silverware and silver pacifiers became popular. Silver pacifiers are still to this day being used for babies in many countries. In the United States, people have forgotten that heritage and use plastic pacifiers today. If people are wise, they will return to using silver because babies are very susceptible to all kinds of bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Silver Dollars In Milk
American settlers knew the value of silver both as wealth and for their health. They often put silver dollars in milk to deter its spoilage in warm weather. In 1884, Dr. K, S. Crede, a German obstetrician, discovered that a mild silver solution, put into a baby’s eyes at birth, dramatically reduced eye infection, which are common in babies.

Law Says All Babies Must Get Silver
Shortly thereafter, laws were created in the United States, Canada, Norway and Denmark requiring all physicians and hospitals to put a silver solution in the eyes of every baby born in their care. It is still done today in most countries, and undoubtedly, you experienced it as a baby.

Rub Silver In Wound
Chinese folklore advised families to always have a silver item in their houses in case someone was bitten by a rabid dog. They were instructed to rub the silver into the wound. Dr. Jerome Alexander, in his book, Colloid Chemistry, said that he tested the concept and found that silver ions rubbed off the metal and did, indeed, destroy harmful bacteria. History texts shows that serious medical study of CS began in the late 1880’s with it was being used to treat typhoid and anthrax bacterial infections successfully.

Kills Any Dangerous Microbe
Dr. Henry Crookes is credited for the wide use of silver in the early 1900s. He used it for subduing gonorrhea, tuberculosis, and staphylococcus, as well as many other infectious organisms. His scientific reports concluded that there wasn’t any known microbe that could not be killed in the laboratory with CS within six minutes. In 1915, Dr. A. Leggeroe found that CS was not only good for protecting babies’ eyes, but it worked for adults as well. He said that it was “the most useful ophthalmic remedy” he had ever encountered for eye infection. He claimed there were never any side effects or visual impairment as a result of using CS.

Used For Prostatitis
Dr. Malcom Morris reported in 1917 that CS was a powerful remedy for inflamed and enlarged prostates or infected bladders. He also found that infected hemorrhoids responded will to the substance. Later, he proved it was useful in ameliorating eczema. By 1925, many dairy farms and cattle and sheep ranches were substantial in size. Often infections or viruses wiped out an entire herd. The best weapon veterinarians had was CS, and they used it extensively with great success.

Doubled White Blood Cells
Colloidal silver not only killed bacteria, viruses and bacillus toxins, it bolstered the immune system, according to studies published in a 1916 issue of Transactions of the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologist. The author reported that CS actually doubled the white blood cell counts–our bodies’ major germ fighters.

Colds Retreat Faster
Dr. J. Mark Hovel reported in the British Medical Journal that CS was especially useful in controlling viruses. His studies covered shingles, pyorrhea, whooping cough, throat and nasal infections. The common cold retreated quickly in the presence of CS, according to his report. Medical research on silver dropped by the wayside during the 40s and 50s due to the popularity of penicillin type drugs. But, in 1963, doctors found that CS was best for destroying yeast infections and fungi.

New Breakthrough
A new surge of research began in 1970 when Dr. Carl Moyer, chairman of the Washington University Department of Surgery and his chief biochemists, Dr. L. Bretano and Dr. H. Margarf, received a federal grant to find better treatments for burn victims. Most of the antiseptics used for this purpose created more severe problems due to their poisonous nature. Antibiotics worked only for a while before bacteria on the burnt skin developed an immunity to the drugs. In addition, no antibiotic or antiseptic killed the most powerful bacteria known a Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Killed The Most Powerful Bacteria
After reading some old medical research from the early 1900s, Dr. Margarf decided to try CS. He found that just a tiny amount of silver killed the Pseudomonas bacteria and allowed the burnt tissue to heal. One of the problems found with silver in the early 1900s was that large amounts colored the skin a blue-gray, which was called “argyria.” This was due to the huge amounts doctors used, and because the particle size was much too large from hands grinding the silver.

Germs Don’t Become Immune To Silver
Using a very small amount of ultra fine particles of silver, Dr Bretano found it was the best burn antiseptic, and no matter how often it was used, it did not discolor the skin. Also, the bacteria did not develop an immunity to the silver like they did to antibiotics, according to the results published in the journal, Surgical Forum. Dr. Moyer’s team is responsible for developing the ultra fine, low dose, electrically generated colloidal silver water being used today.

10 to 100 Times More Useful Than Drugs
Clinical researchers at the VA hospital in Syracuse, New York, confirmed that the new colloidal silver water was 10 to 100 times stronger than the drugs formerly used for killing bacteria. Fungi can create major aggravation in life when they infect finger and toenails, skin, scalp and feet. The most common one is athlete’s foot. In 1976, Dr. T. J. Berger found that colloidal silver water could stop fungi, such as athlete’s foot, in its tracks.

Great For Stuffy Or Runny Noses
In 1977, Dr. William Foye showed that colloidal silver water was great for dealing with tonsillitis, rhinitis (stuffy or runny nose), and conjunctivitis (pink eye and related eye infections.) Later, researchers used colloidal silver water to kill syphilis and malaria bacteria. Doctors in hospitals soothed varicose ulcers and bedsores with colloidal silver water.

Our Mightiest Germ Fighter
In 1978, Dr. Jim Powell wrote an article in Science Digest entitled, “Our Mightiest Germ Fighter,” pointing out how much more powerful colloidal silver water was over antibiotics. The greatest progress colloidal silver water has made in the last decade is the result of a prominent doctor getting a seemingly incurable disease. That doctor, Paul Farber, is one of the most educated medical scientists in the country holding seven degrees in various health fields.

Famous Doctor Paralyzed
In 1992 after a hiking trip in Texas, Dr. Farber found he couldn’t get out of bed. He was paralyzed from the chest down. Also, he was in excruciating pain with many of his joints severely swollen. Overnight, The middle-aged doctor was like a crippled 90-year-old who had been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis for decades. His condition puzzled specialist after specialist. Their guesses ranged from multiple sclerosis to the rare Guillain-Barre’ syndrome a multiple neuritis type of affliction.

Discovers Tick
Confined to his bed only able to move his arms and head, one day Dr. Farber felt a tiny lump in the scalp above his forehead. He suspected a tick was imbedded there. He careful removed the tick and sent it to Dr. Thomas Craig, a professor of veterinary medicine at Texas A & M University. After examining the tick, Dr Craig suggested that Dr, Farber had Lyme Disease, which is caused by this type of tick.

Dangerous Lyme Disease
Blood tests confirmed it was the terrible Lyme Disease (LD), which is named after a small town in Connecticut where an outbreak crippled over 50 people in 1972. Antibiotics, such as penicillin and Rocephin, are the first line of defense against LD, but they are not cures because they only repress the disease.

Rollercoaster Illness
Continuous use of the antibiotics caused a severe form of yeast infection. The drugs have to be stopped until the yeast infection clears up, but shortly after the drugs are withdrawn, the horrible LD symptoms return, and the whole process starts over again a not very enjoyable rollercoaster ride. During the high times of his rollercoaster ride, Dr. Farber searched medical literature for something that could possibly destroy the awful bacteria that was making his life so miserable.

Dead Sea Scrolls of Medicine
Dr. Farber found what he calls “the Dead Sea Scrolls of Medicine” in early 1900s research on colloidal silver. Dr. Crookes’ comments about it killing any microbe in six minutes got his attention. Then he found doctors Moyer, Bretano and Margarf’s research and development of colloidal silver water.

Colloidal silver water Stops LD
He immediately began taking colloidal silver water. The results were nothing short of spectacular. Within a short time, tests at the Neurological Department of Parkland Hospital in Texas showed that the bacteria was no longer in his body. Clinical research has since shown that the LD bacteria simply hides from the antibiotics; however, recent testing at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia proved that colloidal silver water does destroy the LD bacteria. Because colloidal silver water literally saved his life, Dr. Farber has devoted the last few years experimenting with its powerful effects. He wrote a book entitled, The Micro Silver Bullet, and regularly treats patients at his clinic with silver.

Gulf War Syndrome
One of the most interesting cases was a man named Jack, who worked for a private construction company in Kuwait during the Gulf War. Shortly after returning to the United States, Jack developed aching joints, insomnia, persistent high fevers, loss of balance and a total lack of energy, He couldn’t work, and even the famous Mayo Clinic couldn’t determine the cause of his affliction.

Nothing Helped… He saw specialist after specialist, from heart to cancer, but none could pinpoint the cause of his problems. Typical of cut-happy surgeons, they took out his gallbladder, and then they took his spleen. Nothing helped.

colloidal silver water Solved Problems
Finally, Jack heard about Dr. Farber and visited him. The doctor put Jack on colloidal silver water for eight weeks. Soon, Jack was back working ten hours a day, six days a week like nothing had ever happened.

Eye Infection Stops In One Day
In his book, Dr Farber tells about a patient named Yvonne, who had a persistent eye infection that wouldn’t go away. Her ophthalmologist gave her antibiotic eye drops, which would help for about two weeks, and then the infection would return again. After going through this up and down routine several times, Yvonne visited Dr. Farber. He told her that it used to be standard practice to put a silver solution in a baby’s eyes at birth to ward off eye infections. Yvonne began using colloidal silver water as eye drops, and within 24 hours, her infection was gone and hasn’t returned since.

Acne Didn’t Stop Wedding
Dr. Farber also tells about a woman who suffered from cystic acne since she was 11. Dermatologists had given her many antibiotics and Accutane, but nothing worked for very long. At 24, she was planning to get married and wanted to look good for her wedding. She visited Dr. Farber, who gave her colloidal silver water a month before the big day. Within three weeks, the acne had totally cleared up.

Psoriasis And Joint Pain
Psoriasis is another skin disorder that doctors find most difficult to subdue because it just seems to come back regularly with annoying itching and scaly skin. A patient of Dr. Farber’s named Susan from Glassport, Pennsylvania, suffered from psoriasis and joint pain called fibromyalgia. Doctors had tried everything from antibiotics to methotrexate (a form of chemotherapy) with no luck. In fact, most of the drugs made Susan feel worse. After three months of using colloidal silver water, the joint pain was completely gone, and 90% of her psoriasis symptoms had disappeared.

Asthma Relieved
A lady named Patrice from West Milfin, Pennsylvania, read Dr. Farber’s book and decided to try colloidal silver water on her asthma problem. At the time, she was enrolled in a special program at the medical research center of University of Pittsburgh where new asthma remedies were being tested. After two weeks of taking colloidal silver water, her asthma symptoms cleared up. She dutifully called the university to cancel her involvement, and the doctor asked her why. When she told them about colloidal silver water, he showed no interest in it, and quickly excused himself from the phone call. Perhaps they were worried about losing their drug company grant for testing its medicines.

Silver And Electricity Knots Broken Bones
Dr. Robert O. Becker, an orthopedic surgeon and a medical professor at both State University of New York and Louisiana State University, is the author of two popular-selling books, Body Electric and Cross Currents. He discovered that a silver impregnated nylon dressing attached to a small battery would cause previously untreatable osteomyelitis and bones that refuse to knit to heal quickly. This combination of silver and tiny electric currents worked so well that today, when broken bones refuse to knit, it is standard practice.

Virus Attacks Heart
Dr. Alex Duarte reported a personal experience in his newsletter, Healing Breakthroughs. His daughter was in a near fatal auto accident that punctured her heart when she was 18. An artificial ring had to be put around one of her heart valves to save her. She knew that some time in the future, she would have to undergo surgery to replace the ring. Years later while waiting for surgery, her heart muscle was attacked by the Coxsackie virus. Doctors were able to subdue the virus and perform the surgery, but six months later, her heart became re-infected with the virus. In the meantime, Dr. Duarte had learned about colloidal silver water from Dr. Farber and administered colloidal silver water to his daughter to ward off the virus. Within a month’s time, she recovered and is healthier than ever before.

Poison Control Center Says It Is Harmless
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Poison Control Center, EGCS is considered harmless. Dr. Samuel Etris, a senior consultant at the Silver Institute, says there has never been any allergenic, toxic or cancerous reactions to silver. The government’s Center for Disease Control confirmed that fact in 1995.

It Should Be In Every Home
Bacteria, fungi and viruses cause a great majority of minor illnesses we have today from runny noses or colds to minor food poisoning. We catch many of these illnesses from being exposed to people as we go through our daily routines. At the end of the day, a quick spritz of colloidal silver water into the nose and mouth could stop dangerous germs you’ve picked up at work, school, shopping, etc., from doing any damage.

Protection For Children And The Elderly
This is especially important with children and the elderly, who don’t have strong immune systems. Also, burns, scrapes, cuts and minor rashes open the door allowing harmful organisms to enter the body and give us problems. Knowing that colloidal silver water kills over 650 kinds of disease–causing microbes, it is ideal to have around the house to use when you feel something coming on or you get a cut, burn or rash.Stop Food Poisoning Danger
In 1982, Dr. J. Cowlishaw demonstrated that colloidal silver water would kill a bacteria called Escherichia coli or E. coli. In 1993, E. coli infested hamburgers at a few Jack-In-The Box fast-food restaurants on the West Coast and killed several people. Other bacteria can contaminate food and cause minor food poisoning that millions of people experience every year. Usually, this type of food poisoning only makes your stomach uncomfortable, but over 500 people die from food poisoning every year. colloidal silver water may be handy to have around when you eat something that makes you sick.

Silver Kills Germs
Man has used silver to kill germs throughout recorded history. Here is an ancient anecdote from the writings of Herodotus, the Greek philosopher, dating this use of silver to before the birth of Christ.
The Greek historian Herodotus, called the “Father of History”, is one of our prime sources for information known about the fall of Babylon. Herodotus lived a century after the time of Daniel and traveled widely in the East. In his “Histories”, we learn of the campaign of Persia’s King Cyrus against Babylon. The details include the fact that no Persian king, including Cyrus, would drink the water of any stream other than the Choaspes, a river that flows past the Persian capital of Susa. Wherever the king went, a long train of four-wheeled mule wagons followed him transporting silver jars filled with boiled water from the river’s waters. The water would keep fresh for years during the long campaigns.

The Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and many peoples from the “Dark Ages” used silver in one form or another to preserve food and water. In the “Middle Ages,” during the plagues, silverware protected the wealthy from the full brunt of its ravages. In the old west, pioneers used silver coins to preserve milk and water. In the last century, man was beginning to develop more sophisticated forms of silver to kill germs. In 1938, the FDA was formed, Penicillin was introduced and the modern pharmaceutical industry began to dominate anti-microbial science. Since silver preparations were more expensive, they receded from favor. The use of some silver preparations in modern, mainstream medicine has survived until this “Modern Age.” Among them are the use of dilute silver nitrate in newborn babies’ eyes to protect from infection and the use of “Silvadine,” a silver based salve, in virtually every burn ward in America to kill infection. A new silver based bandage has recently been approved by the FDA and licensed for sale.

Now, as many bacteria become resistant to pharmaceutical antibiotics, silver is emerging once more as a germ killer inside the human body. During the last several decades, the technology of silver as a germ fighter has continued to evolve. Instead of just using the surface of coins or silver vessels to come in contact with germs to kill them, silver is now being used in the “colloidal” state. Colloidal silver water has now evolved to be one of the most valuable germ killers known. The term “colloidal” means ultra fine particles of a substance suspended in a medium. In the case of the colloidal silver water we refer to here, it means particles of silver suspended in pure water. These particles are so fine that a billion of them could fit on the cross-section of a human hair!



Legal Disclaimer
We make no claim that the use of Silver Hydrosol water is a magic bullet that will instantly cure everything…However, the positive healing effects of it’s use, was first discovered way back 5000 years ago in ancient Babylon. Even the Roman soldiers used a sort of paste made from it as a field dressing for their soldiers in battle…. The information presented herein by Colloidal Research inc, is intended for educational purposes only. This product is only a nutrient supplement, and not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. This product has not been tested or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to first consult with your own health care provider.