- Travel Pack
- $12.95
- Only 3 ingredients…pure and simple… Silver Hydrosol water, pure clean bees wax, and extra virgin olive oil.
- No artificial coloring, scents, tinctures, Carrageenan, aloe vera, Potassium Citrate, Citric Acid, or any other additives. No artificial ingredients whatsoever!!
- This cream just simply carries Silver Hydrosol into the skin, where it’s absorbed, letting the silver do its work.
- Contains 33 percent of (30PPM) Silver Hydrosol water, and has a consistency much like noxzema, and its color is creamy white.
- —–A real necessity for any home for general first aid, as well as for healthy skin—–
- The one ounce spray is 10PPM Silver Hydrosol
This pak contains a one ounce spray bottle of 10 PPM Silver Hydrosol Water, and a half ounce of Silver Hydrosol Cream.
This is an awesome product that is a broad spectrum killer, bacteria, virus and fungi funny have a chance, works especially week on burns. Put it on quickly and that blister you excited won’t show up. I’ve been using it for years! Being that we had some silly miss shipments, zero there fault and they amended quickly on a SUNDAY!!
Best ever! only 3 ingredients with maximum effect on any skin anomaly
Product description
Handy travel size, silver water and cream. Silver Cream made right here in the good old USA. This is a bare bones product. No frills, Just a darn good product that we are very proud to offer. Only 3 ingredients…pure and simple… Silver water, pure clean bees wax, and extra virgin olive oil. No artificial coloring, scents, tinctures, Carrageenan, aloe vera, Potassium Citrate, Citric Acid, or any other additives. No artificial ingredients whatsoever!! This cream just simply carries Silver into the skin, where it’s absorbed, letting the silver do its work. Contains 33 percent of (30PPM) Silver water, and has a consistency much like noxzema, and its color is creamy white. —–A real necessity for any home for general first aid, as well as for healthy skin—–
The ancient Romans and Greeks found that liquids would stay fresher longer if put in silver containers. Our own American pioneers found that a silver dollar put in a jug of milk would delay spoilage. They also found that if they would keep their silverware “hidden” in their water barrel that the water would not go bad.